One website for all my astrology

Presently I only use one website for all my texts on astrology and horoscopes:

October 19, 2008

John McCain's correct horoscope?

A birth certificate for John McCain has emerged on the internet. It seems to be authentic. It states that he was born in Colon, not Cocosolo, which is still in Panama, and at 6:25 PM. My previous reading was of a chart based on 9:00 AM, so that's quite a difference...

For my complete reading of his horoscope chart, please go to my astrological website:

October 05, 2008

The US credit crisis

October 1, the Senate approved the 700 billion dollar bailout plan, and the Congress is likely to do the same. That may do the trick for now, but the basis of the credit crisis is a fundamental change in the USA, which will go on for decades...

Here's the complete forecast on my astrological website: